Film Launch of Bohemian Kings X Swan Song
Film launch Kyogle Roxy Gallery, 131 Summerland Way, Kyogle 31 August to 17 Sept 2023 Film launch Sydney Tap Gallery, 259 Riley Street, Surry Hills Sunday Ist October 3 pm Afternoon Tea and film
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Jayne Miller contributed a whooping 15 entries.
Film launch Kyogle Roxy Gallery, 131 Summerland Way, Kyogle 31 August to 17 Sept 2023 Film launch Sydney Tap Gallery, 259 Riley Street, Surry Hills Sunday Ist October 3 pm Afternoon Tea and film
2004 was the last Kings Cross Festival organised by the Kings Cross Arts Guild. I was lucky enough to interview the famous bohemian artists still alive at that time. Since then over half of these interviewees have passed. This 30 minute documentary is a testament to their work and their place in the history of […]
Book Launch 23 July 2022 Finally published The Writings The Writings-cover final
New Release Single Track 1 Drac is Back Track 2 The Promise Presave Tix Release date 11 September 2021 The release of my first single is with gyrostream an Australian based distributor. I created this single composed of two tracks to speak to the heart of the current crisis on our planet. The soundtrack […]
At Darwin Fringe Festival 2018 there were many visiting performers and writers organised to run workshops or talk to the audience about their work. One was an artist from India who was the ‘mystery’ guest speaker at the Opening. I decided to go to the Opening at the last minute and sat down near the […]
In June 2020, during the lockdowns in Australia, I began what I now call ‘The Writings’ which was partly inspired by my meditation teacher, and partly guided by spirit, telling me to start writing and stop wasting my time. At the time, I had just bought a house, desperate to self-isolate during unprecedented times and […]
Poets Breakfast Woodenbong is part of a circuit of Poets Breakfasts that have emerged all over the Northern NSW coast and into Gold Coast. I was lucky to meet Vincent Stead who humbly calls himself the “chairman” and who co-ordinated them all from his van where he lives like a nomad as do a few […]
By Jayne Miller June 2018 Backroads NSW from Orange Merriwagga and Tenterfield 2018 I signed up for the Banjo Patterson Poetry competition in Orange as I was working over there on return from the Territory. I performed the poetry version of the Grafton Nimby Bridge as it was closer to a bush poem As I’m […]
by Jayne Miller – June 5, 2018 Preachers and plaques swan song to Bohemian Kings Cross(working title) Documentary about the gentrification of Kings Cross as seen in 2004 during the kings cross festival and laying of the plaques in the pavement. Central character is “Sister Inferior” from the iconic sisters of perpetual indulgence who wears […]